The G-8 Comptroller Division is the MARCORLOGCOM Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) life cycle manager ensuring accountability and compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements by maximizing financial stewardship in an efficient and effective manner while enabling logistic support to the operating forces in a financially constrained environment. On a world-wide basis, G-8 also manages the Navy Working Capital Fund-Marine Corps (NWCF-MC) and payment of transportation for people and things.
G-8 Organizational Chart
Products & services
Programming and Program Objective Memorandum (POM)
Appropriated Fund Budgeting, Accounting, and Execution Oversight
U.S. Navy Working Capital Fund (NWCF) Budgeting and Execution Oversight
Marine Corps Wide Transportation Voucher Certification (TVC)
Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness
Department of Defense Financial Management Certification Program (Common Access Card (CAC) Required)
Contact OUR TEAM
G-8 General Number - (229) 639-5717
G-8 General Email - smblogcomg8central@usmc.mil